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Fire in the Sky Answers


Fire in the Sky Answers

  1. Answers will vary.
  2. common example of static electricity occurs when your body gathers electric charges by walking across a carpet. Then when you touch a doorknob or other conductive object, you make a spark and feel a small shock as the charges discharge or move to that object.
  3. The 1953 experiment involved running electric current (simulating a lightning strike) through a flask containing water and the gases thought to make up earth’s early atmosphere. The result was a fluid that contained amino acids, which are the building blocks of life. Emphasize that there are many theories about how life on earth began, and this is just one of them.
  4. When lightning is approaching, the safe thing to do is to get indoors. Stay away from windows. Because lightning can travel through plumbing pipes and electrical and telephone wiring, stay away from tubs, sinks, anything electrical, and corded phones.